Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Whatsapp Group Discussions of 'Once-Virgin' boys!

I am one of those fortunate ones to have a lively group of undergrad batchmates, quite active in our Whatsapp group. While, it is true that not all may be active all the time - but never a day goes past, without a spirited discussion on anything and everything that goes under the Sun. Some of us are quite demanding of each other, with heavy discussions & opinions cast around, but we are also quite candid and free - for we know, that at the end of the day it's our own Machans!

So, some of the key points discussed were the actual benefits to Indian people through successive governments, including the present one, the role of a PM in positioning a country strongly in the internal arena, and today's current affairs of Govt rolling back on the PF withdrawal limitations that were imposed earlier. Each has his own opinion and argument to back up their claims - and to me, quite often than not, all seems logical & acceptable. While we are in a society that increasingly is blurring between what is right and wrong, with more of personal independence given weight over collective responsibility, it is always enjoyable to get so many perspectives, with succinct messages within a group of closely knit 'the once virgin boys'. Karthi, Ramesh, Madhu, Subbu, Thiags, Nutty, Nags, Ravindran, Prabhu, Siva, Shivram, Vikki, Deena, Raj, Rahul, Naresh, Kili, Anand, Dhaya are the most common posters - while Chetans Jose from Kottayam Kerala and Sujith make guest posts at just the right moments.

We have guys across the Globe, and it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with everyone, just chit chatting on every other issue, just as we would during our college 'vetti' sessions in hostels. Numerous accounts to retell, and not the current scope on nostalgia! :) From forwards to news links to select ' Mechanical engineering' only language vernaculars, everything is tolerated & appreciated in this group. This is truly a stress bust for all of us - and as an invocation, we thank our ever & only one Godfather, Mr. Madhu Bottle! Though to remind him that the next group meeting is long pending!

As to the specifics of what we discuss - sorry, Whatsapp has already encrypted the conversations! More in next!

All that comes to mind

Well, as usual, I start another lead of blogs, just to separate out from the other groups - in an attempt to segregate the ideas and domains. This thread will have almost all of the wavering and flowing in thoughts of mine, coming from whichever direction, and on whatever that bothers and impacts me.

I am not be able to provide enough substantiations to my thoughts and positions, for some are mixed with facts, beliefs, faith and opinions. Nevertheless, the expectation from my own self is that these will be as much direct and truthful to myself, if none to any other. And any welcome suggestions and inputs only will enrich this space more.

Let this place be a hotspot for almost anything under the Sun, that we may want to share and discuss - unless they warrant a separate stream in their own right.

So, here we start - on the 21st of April, 2016, at 1:00AM! :)

K. Srinivasa Varadhan