Wednesday 20 April 2016

All that comes to mind

Well, as usual, I start another lead of blogs, just to separate out from the other groups - in an attempt to segregate the ideas and domains. This thread will have almost all of the wavering and flowing in thoughts of mine, coming from whichever direction, and on whatever that bothers and impacts me.

I am not be able to provide enough substantiations to my thoughts and positions, for some are mixed with facts, beliefs, faith and opinions. Nevertheless, the expectation from my own self is that these will be as much direct and truthful to myself, if none to any other. And any welcome suggestions and inputs only will enrich this space more.

Let this place be a hotspot for almost anything under the Sun, that we may want to share and discuss - unless they warrant a separate stream in their own right.

So, here we start - on the 21st of April, 2016, at 1:00AM! :)

K. Srinivasa Varadhan

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